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Find documents in no time, automate real estate processes, and safeguard data.

Explore the world of SoftAdvice

Explore the world of SoftAdvice

Our products


Document Management Software

Deltek Maconomy

ERP for Professional Services

Deltek WorkBook

ERP for Advertising Agencies


Document automation and generation

Digital File

Document Capturing

Our solutions

With all information in one place, you can save time to better serve customers and make effective decisions to grow your business.

All information in one place

With M-Files, you can find what you need in no time. No matter if you are at the office, at home, or visiting one the properties.

Automated digital processes

M-Files automates processes such as lease negotiation and renewals. You can cut costs and invest in better services and experience.

Information security

Your reputation is safe, as M-Files safeguards sensitive data and prevents accidental information leaks.

Version control

You can save previous versions of objects which is super handy if you ever need to go back and reference something.

Workflow automation

By streamlining routine tasks like processing purchase invoices, workflows save valuable time and energy.

Advanced permissions

Permissions make sure that only the people who are supposed to have access to certain files can read, write, or delete them.

Want to see it yourself ?

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We are available each business day.


BE : +32 2 895 06 00 | +32 14 71 62 19

NL : +31 79 799 61 40

LUX : +352 27 86 46 55 


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