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M-Files for Accountants

In the fast-paced world of accounting, staying ahead means embracing technology that not only meets your needs but exceeds them. Enter Doxxi – our bespoke document management solution, meticulously tailored for accountants.

Tailored Excellence for Accountants

With the in-depth knowledge at SoftAdvice, we proudly present Doxxi – a revolutionary document management system, born from the synergy of our extensive expertise in document management and the advanced technology of M-Files.

Why Choose Doxxi for Your Accounting Needs?


Specialized for Accountants: Doxxi is not just another document management tool. It’s a solution crafted with the specific needs of accountants in mind. We’ve listened to the industry and infused Doxxi with features that address your everyday challenges.


The Best of Both Worlds: Harnessing our experience as a premium M-Files reseller, we’ve integrated the best aspects of M-Files’ technology with our proprietary enhancements. The result is a system that offers unparalleled efficiency and ease of use.


Industry-Specific Innovations: Beyond standard document management, Doxxi includes tailored functionalities designed for the accounting sector. From automated compliance checks to advanced audit trails, every feature is purpose-built.


Seamless, Secure, Smart: Doxxi offers a seamless transition from your existing systems, fortified with top-tier security measures. It leverages AI and machine learning for smart, intuitive document handling, making your workflow not just easier, but smarter.